How to get to San Blas

Como son las calles de san blas o guna yala
San Blas road

From Panama city, you can go by road, the trip is 2 hours and a half, go in a 4x4 truck to the main port of carti. You also have the option that you can be searched for at the hotel or your residence.

You can also arrive by air from the albrook Marcos Gelabert airport with the Air Panama Company, the trip is 30 minutes to el porvenir.

What to take to San Blas

  • Swimsuit or bikini
  • Towel
  • Sunscreen
  • Mosquit repellent
  • Flip flops
  • Sunglasses
  • Cap or hat
  • Water
  • Medices
Camera (and xtra battery if you are going to stay the nigth in san blas)

Front ligth you are going to sleep on an island.

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